I am very sad, sad and sad ... My father DIED ...
oh my father, i feel u in every word i write, i do not know why you left us and you did not told us that you are leaving ...
Everyone cry over his father annd i am one of them ...
your life is full and was full of everything good, you left many things behind you and first of all you left us ...
why you did not tell us that you are leaving for ever...
you will not come back ... but that is life my Dad, and you know it better than us ... i was looking at you every time and every time i feel your are strong and healthy ...
I do not know what to say ... it is a big ordeal ...
where are you now ... why things turned this way?
why i should say that ... i remember you came and visited me when i returned home somtime ago. You were very happy.
now you leave this life and i am still feeling that this miserable ... I say that i am very unlucky, i wish you very good rest ... and i believe that you are strong like me
goodbye father ... goodbye father ... we are coming to you one day ...
Oh i feel very great pain in my eyes and everywhere ...
Dad Passed Away
Enough Is Enough
A new cabinet has been formed in Jordan, the government went to Aqaba to hold its first meeting, the names of the ministers are leaked to the Jordanian media and they seem brilliant. However, their background is also a mystery.
The people are starving because of the unprecedented economic retreat, prices increase and the horrific economic deep recession of the country. The Jordanian media hurries to report the news, as if Jordanians wait it impatiently. The most important thing for the Jordanians is the daily concerns of economic aspects.
If any government wants to gain the trust of the people, it should start by reforming itself; first and foremost, it should follow a real austerity policy. However, the government should come from the core of the people and for them; the new government is a big failure to the policies of the previous government, which tried hard to bring the country’s economy back on the rails. Any government should work for the sake of the people’s needs; it should provide answers to their questions concerning the economy and the plans to bring more investments to Jordan.
Apparently, this government is oligarchic because some figures had at least a member of their family served a high ranking position in the previous governments, they are already wealthy and will profit from their new positions to further enhance their own interests and they will adjust country laws in their favor.
Jordan needs a very active and dynamic government, which gives top priority to the economic concern starting by curbing the widespread corruption in the country. The ministers should prove to the people that they should be trusted; actually, the people did not appoint the government. Therefore, the confidence, which the coming parliament will give to it, is absolute and certain.
The media should play a constructive role by overseeing the governmental performance and pointing out the violations of the policies including the silence of the parliament, which supposed to carry out supervision and legislation, in a democratic and courageous way. The public opinion waits for the media to be serious and accurate in reporting the news, and at the same time, it should be critical to the acts of both executive and legislative powers.
Arabic should play its role alongside other languages
English is the world language, then come other languages especially French and Spanish.
I remember a saying of an Italian writer who said once that what is the value of the life of a man if he does not build a home, write a book or have a son.
i wonder why people write if their articles, essays do not have impact (positive) on the society where they live. some writers do their work only for the sake of earning money at the end of the month and not to shed light on the problems of the their societies and try to find a solution to them.
the title may differ from the content of this article but i need more time to gather my ideas and not make others feel that i would defend my language for racist reasons.
I would like Arabic to be like any other language, very energetic and give humanity a lot of things, and i believe that everyone of us can contribute with a new thing in this world.
so the way is still long and far and we need to prepare ourselves very well before continuing this road ...
do words please anybody.... I do not care .... it is important to say what i have then i would think of what others may think ... this is the basic of everything we do in life and things should go this way.
back again
Dear Readers,
I am back again and i am full of enthusiasm to write on this blog after a short break.
About Sponsorship
Sponsorship in the Gulf countries remains a major obstacle to the economic development in these countries. The human rights are not a kind of concern for the officials there; human rights are ignored most of the time on behalf of the “economic development.”
I, personally, have an issue, although not big, with the sponsorship system in Qatar and I hope that the Qatari officials take proper steps to ease the tension that we live in because of the issue. The US Department of State report on the human trafficking listed most of the gulf countries amongst the countries where workers suffer from the most severe conditions and maltreatment.
I call on the gulf officials to review their policies in regard to the workers’ rights to human and dignified life, free from coercion and intimidation by their sponsor. I wonder if the gulf countries have learned from the civilization of the other countries (European Union, United States of America and Canada) how human beings are treated on foot of equality and they are given the right to say no.
Arabs, in general, are required to fight the stereotypes and make evolve their mentality. The gap is getting wider and wider every day between our Arab nation and the rest of the world, and if we do not start to fix our problems, others will do that for us. I always call for a review of our plans and configurations everyday morning. Our leaders are requested today than ever to work hard to meet the aspirations of their people in democracy, development and better life.
Jordan is one of the countries required to review its policies in favor of the Jordanian citizen, the higher state policy should be dedicated to protect the citizens and give them the chance to live better life, and this includes a new economic system based on the national interest and the protection of Jordan as a sole country living in peace and security in a turbulent region.
Today, I complain about the sponsorship in the gulf countries and Qatar in particular. However, the question is why I travel to these countries? Did I have the choice other than leaving my country? The questions are extremely open and vague. In fact, I was forced to leave my country because of the state corruption, unemployment, and favoritism which is widely spread in an unprecedented way.
To be continued … maybe
First of all, I do not wish to write just to fill the paper with ink or to count how many words there, I would rather wish to write for the sake of objectivity, and one tries to write straight to the point. Frankly speaking, We should try hard to convey the message in the shortest way possible; otherwise, it does only mean that we do not write but instead we lose the opportunity to make our message reach the reader.
I was wondering why I use the slogan of the French revolution which is Fraternite, Liberte, Egalite. Well I would say these words are not purely French. It is first of all human expression (feelings). I can say something universal and banal that everybody understand very easily. I would give the example the music, it is world language, it does not need translation. Does it? However, it depends on the listener’s taste and mood. Thus, music is all about mood and let me add another thing which is the culture and I will give you the chance to think about this or maybe you can add to that something that support this saying.
This saying is as exactly as the music; Freedom, Liberty, Self-confidence are common and universal values. The same applies to the abovementioned French words which are basically universal and the circumstances provoked the French revolutionists at that time to pronounce this rule.
What does this mean? Does this mean that I am in part influenced by the French culture? The answer is yes, and why not to be so. If man is able to learn new things everyday so why not? Humans influence each other in good and bad things. In short, we should not deny the French influence in the entire world in the past and at present, France plays very good role in the world of today although this role is facing fierce competition because of the US preponderant dominance of the world of today. However, I hope that France keeps the same strong level of friendship with the Arab world as it has been always. France and Arab countries have very strong and historic relationships since long time ago, the geographic closeness helped much in strengthening these ties.
Sarkozy takes over office at this year 2007 and Arabs hope that Sarkozy maintain the same level of ties with them as they were at the time of Mr. Chirac. France can help in the establishment of just, comprehensive and lasting peace in our religion. Arabs looking for French help in this regard. It is known that France plays very positive role in this area and we wish that she continues that direction.
The French policy is intelligent and positive in most cases, and I notice this very closely through my observation of the French updates. French like to seize and create opportunities, establish relations with states and restore the deteriorated relations. This policy has always been ambiguous and undercover. I wonder if this policy would succeed or has succeeded. However, French fear the US great dominance in the world and they are looking for a role to play in this world and they are right.
Before ending this article I would like to ask if French will be able to continue the direction of seizing opportunities and recover their ex-dominance in the world, a success, if achieved, will create the necessary balance of the world of today where monopole policy widely weighs.
Ferige- Big Girls Do not Cry
If you would like to listen to this song, it is interesting ... Enjoy it. Here is following the lyrics:
Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
[Big Girls Don't Cry lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
[Big Girls Don't Cry Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com]
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
'Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
La Da Da Da Da Da
It is time to seek change
How could we solve our problems when we find that the adults behave with the same mentality of retardation and follows old fashioned thinking? How could you talk to them? We fear to wound them sure. If we tell them that what they do is wrong or they should not do that, they will see it as an offense against them that one should not do. However, there should be a dialog when we see something wrong taking place, the adult and our parents should be tolerant and understanding. I know that youth avoid to engage in such discussions that might hurt parents because they say it is a long story and that parents will not listen to us and we feel ashamed, we fear to oppose them or offend them (this is for respect to elderly in general and to parents in particular). Other youth say that if we talk to our parents they will never listen to us and wewill make them angry so there is no use to initiate such discussions or talks.
I would compare the parents in the Arab world with the politicians and governments in specific, and the youth with the people and the public opinion (PO). The politicians do not want to change and they fear change while the PO wants the change and wants to talk, (not like youth who hesitate to talk to parents). The PO is almost absent in the Arab world or is not active at all. Why PO is passive? There should be as many as reasons as one can imagine. First of all, the incredible intolerance of the politicians and governments, poverty, and the fact that the PO is still not very much cultivated, and its elements still think the old fashioned thinking. However, we should underline that both governments and PO elements share the same background including values and culture, but politics and governing should not always stick to culture and values as much as it does to the absolute value of change and competition in a world where we witness every day a new development and change. This trend of change is absolute and one can not stop world from change.
Therefore, the PO classes should themselves believe in change more than the politicians or governments do because those in office fear change and the repercussions of their policies, and this is not justified but they do so either for lack of information or for lack of courage and self-confidence. However, the main reason for the governments not to change their mentality is the fear from losing their privileges and people's made-importance which is the nature of human. (I have never been politician or in a high profile position because I am young and even I do not like politics nor do I have ambitions at all, but when I see that the affairs of my country badly managed, I strongly believe that I should interfere and say something good at least) but I guess this is one of the reasons that make politicians stick to "the chair" (as it is said in Arabic). The other most important thing is that the PO does not help politicians to change since the PO itself does not want change for cultural and traditional reasons (we call this in Arabic Takhalluf that is to say Awareness Retardation or Backwardness).
I do not like politics and I am not rich enough to reach a position in the state, I do not have a big tribe that can compete with other tribes in my country. If I advance to speak they will say from where you come, and that you do not have anybody behind to support you (This is the thinking of the tribalism in Jordan). I do not regret to live abroad; I do not regret anything at all because I understand the mentality of the people there. However, I have the right to write about my country from the principles of democracy and citizenship but not from the principles of tribalism, regionalism or aristocratism (I am not rich) at all.
However, why do I speak about the people of Jordan and the Arab people in general? for the simple reason that I find that there is bad behaviors and concepts that we should get rid of, for the simple reason that I have frequented people from the western world and I was able to set the difference between both mentalities. I think it is time to say something good, to criticize for the good of others. It is time to seek change.
From the heart of experience
-Keep a distance between you and others for they respect you more and more
- Do not say anything, not everything we know should be said.
- Believe in you culture and nation whatever the price, at the end we are all human and none is better than other, Arab and Muslim culture is very rich and we learn from them a very good things.
- Do not believe in cultures clash but believe in people's bad intentions and interests conflict, human have never been in conflict since they are weak from nature and they have need for mercy and passion.
- Do not allow anyone to be superior to you but law should be superior, the law laid down by people not by one person or a none-representative group of people.
- Love from your heart the people who appreciate you and your love, every one of us needs appreciation and respect.
- Cut the road on the people who make from you dump or disabled, they do that just to gain more benefits and rival you on many things in life. Self-confidence and strength are very good remedies to those people.
- Defend your ideas and beliefs very strongly but be in agreement with others.
- You have the same right to enjoy your life exactly like any other individual on the earth.
- For me I will battle any deviation and corruption I am subject to.
- The moment when you think you are superior, you are the dumpiest.
- Do not claim to be better but let your acts prove this.
- Love is appreciated value whatever it is but it should be coordinated with other human values.
- Change comes slowly and it can not happen overnight.
- Lying is very easy to detect so you had better not try it.
- If we do not learn a new thing everyday, there should be something wrong, especially for youngsters
Life is precious Just take from it as much as you can
I was talking to my colleague about life and how we do not appreciate it very much, once one dies his life finishes. so you should benefit from your life reasonable and as much as you can. I was talking about it not from biological point of view as i visited many websites talking about life.
I would put forward these things for anyone whishes to listen to me or read what i wrtie, I do not write for amusement or to bring pleasure, my writing is serious and brings new ideas and lasting ones.
Anyway, the main points I would like to stress are as follows:
1- Respect of life requires respect of living humans and other livings.
2- Once one respects his own life he should respect other's life, well, here we can use this word life-respect to be a synonym of self-respect.
3- Each of us has the choice to live his life the way he sees proper, with the condition that this will not effect other's life. We can remember the saying: Your liberty ends when others liberty starts; this resumes what we can say in this regard.
4- I wish to ask poor people what life means for you. What do you wish, hope and look for. At the same time, I would ask rich people the same question. What the answer would be ... I am sure for the poor it will be mostly concise and precise while for the rich it will be a little bit complicated and long. So let’s share poor this life by giving them the chance to participate in constructing this life.
5- Life requires urgently the cooperation among livings. It is about interdependent relationship.
6- Life should be always precious and venerated...
7- Religion is part of the life and life is not part of the religion
8- Life could not be resumed in one word and it is a theater where everything happens.
9- Life is not one event that happens once and this event is not long. In fact life is a series of events.
10- Life is characterized by change, it is not stable, people change by time, they get older and older. they understand life differently from stage to another.
11- Lives are different, they are not the same. People do not live the same way and style but they all cherish it.
I hope I can write more about life in the coming occasions...
Images Have Always Meanings
What does this picture means for you, I have taken it from Radio France International . Now it is up to you to know what it means ...
In the coming post i will speak about this picture and its meanings.
Enjoy reading ...
Dalida and Serge Lama in Je Suis Malade
I liked to post a link to the songs of Dalida Je suis malade and Gigi l'amoroso that i admire ...
Here is the song in French:
Je ne rêve plus
Je ne fume plus
Je n'ai même plus d'histoire
Je suis seul sans toi
Je suis laid sans toi
Je suis comme un orphelin dans un dortoir
Je n'ai plus envie
De vivre ma vie
Ma vie cesse quand tu pars
Je n'ai plus de vie
Et même mon lit
Se transforme en quai de gare quand tu t'en vas
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir
Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
T'arrives on ne sait jamais quand
Tu repars on ne sait jamais où
Et ça va faire bientôt deux ans
Que tu t'en fous
Comme à un rocher
Comme à un péché
Je suis accroché à toi
Je suis fatigué
Je suis épuisé
De faire semblant d'être heureux quand ils sont là
Je bois toutes les nuits
Mais tous les whiskys
Pour moi ont le même goût
Et tous les bateaux
Portent ton drapeau
Je ne sais plus où aller, tu es partout
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Je verse mon sang dans ton corps
Et je suis comme un oiseau mort quand toi tu dors
Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Pourtant, moi j'avais du talent
Avant ta peau
Cet amour me tue
Si ça continue
Je crèverai seul avec moi
Près de ma radio
Comme un gosse idiot
Ecoutant ma propre voix qui chantera...
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir
Je suis malade
C'est ça, je suis malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le coeur complètement malade
Cerné de barricades
T'entends, je suis malade
Water is polluted in Jordan
In a village in Jordan, the press say that a number of citizens of a village northern Jordan (Mafraq governorate) have been infected because of polluted water. We are in 2007 and still the water gets polluted in Jordan?? The government should open serious investigation in this incident and take necessary steps against the officials who run the water network there. However, we suffer the shortage of water, imagine that we have plenty of water … we will not be able to manage it though!!.
Many questions now are raised in this regard:
-what is the role of ministries of health and water?
- Who will compensate the citizen?
- Will this happen again?
for more information for Arabic speakers please read here. I apologize for the English readers for lack of English sources that shed light on this issue.
A day of Impression
Yesterday, I took my car to the Agency hangar in order to have it checked, I bought it one month ago and I wanted to make sure that every thing is alright with the car.
One week ago, I went there and found a lot of people with their vehicles waiting their turn; it was a long queue of vehicles wait before the hanger. However, I was lucky yesterday as I did not find many people there because I went there early; the whole process took me no more than 10 minutes, and I went back home directly.
I entered the Agency’s maintenance workshop which was big and large, I saw many vehicles at check, and it was big work and wonderful human deed (work). Then I went to the reception office where I sat with the Filipino employee who was nice. I took a glance around in the reception hall, there was a TV screen showing publicity of the big Japanese car agency.
Here I was impressed by the technology and the human ability to create and manufacture. The production of a car is not easy job as some people think; yes it is so for the experienced specialists. I wondered what we should do in the Arab world, and how we may help the world and produce something useful to the remainder of the humanity. I know that we have the petrol (black gold) and we sell it to the rest of the world but at the same time we pay very high price in protecting it and ensuring its peaceful flow and transportation in the most proper ways.
The Arab world and the oil countries in particular pay the price the high price for possessing the oil, they became a target of the world influential powerful states especially the United States and Europe and a subject of conflicts, all this turmoil happens because they have the oil. However, we as Arabs benefited very much from the oil and our countries achieved prosperity and development thanks to this natural resource.
I do not know if I have shift from a subject to another in this article, but I mean what I say regarding my impression at what I see from technology made by other people in the world like Japanese. In fact, I am autodidact and proud to say that and I respect the creative peoples like Japanese people, who produce machines that ease the lives of others but at the same time. However, being autodidact does not mean denying the role of the teacher or parents.
We, in Arab world, are required more than ever before to exert more efforts to live up to the obligations of world of today, we have given a lot of things in terms of energy and thanks to Islam, which is a system of living and peace, we reached many parts of the world. My trip to the Agency in Doha city was one of many experiences that we go through everyday but they go unrecorded. We should think of everything [liberty of thinking] around us and try to find out who created it and for what purpose. We should recognize how far other nations improved and developed their potential. We should think seriously how we could be a productive nation.
A word: “Not every word should please the reader, but every word should give him a meaning” Khaldun
Palestinian Refugees In Lebanon
The refugees in every part of the world deserve attention as they are subject to torture and ill-treatment by most hosting countries. The UN has taken in charge to resolve or alleviate the plight of the refugees almost everywhere in the world. The history of refugees is long to tell in this page especially Palestinian refugees. In general, the refugee phenomenon extended along centuries.
The causes of this phenomenon are variant including natural disasters and human conflicts; the natural disasters are something that mankind can not control as it is by God’s will. However, the human conflicts either internal or international [between two countries or more] are the main reason behind refugees phenomenon. Nowadays in many parts of the world , there are armed conflicts and wars,in the Middle East, there is a conflict that lasted more than 50 years and it is still living until now and it is not resolved yet. Everyday there are people killed, innocent or armed; This is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has forced more than four million Palestinians to quit their land which Palestine; now and after the occupation of the Arab lands in 1967, it is known as West Bank and Gaza. The wars between Arabs and Israelis over the land of Palestine are four in number; each war was forcing Palestinians to evacuate their land for the sake of peace and security. The neighboring countries: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq hosted Palestinian refugees and the UNRWA took in charge the responsibility to take care of them.
Today, we witness very clearly the Palestinian refugees' plight in Lebanon; they are paying the price of the international community silence on Israel’s continued occupation of their homeland and the ill-treatment of the Lebanese authorities against the Palestinian refugees in the camps over all the country. Refugees in Lebanon are victim of many discrimination policies practiced by the Lebanese authorities.
Today, the international community is invited more than ever before to address the problems of the refugees. It is not their guilt to live in Lebanon. Israelis should compensate them and the Lebanese authorities should stop its ill-treatment and harsh policies toward them.
So take care of the refugees everywhere, please...
Petra (Wonder of the World)
Only 12 days separate us from the massive poll of the seven wonders of the world. Petra in Jordan is among the very famous world candidate monuments to this position (Seven Wonders of the World). It is one of the most "visited" places in the world.
A lot of tourists visit it yearly, they come from Europe and US as well as from the Far East countries. Petra is a handmade rose city. I have been there for several time, it is really a genuine wonderful city.
A city sculpted in the red rockets. it is also called the rose-red city.
If you need to know more about Petra, there are a lot of information on Internet about this wonder (N.B. It is not yet officially declared a wonder,however, it is a candidate for this position and has a lot of chances to win).
please vote for Petra online
I loved to publish a poem titled "Foreigners" from her album for Arabic speakers surely, and i apologize in advance for non-Arabic speakers but there should be efforts to translate it, may be in future by translation institutions.
أطفئ الشمعةَ واتركنا غريبَيْن هنا
نحنُ جُزءانِ من الليلِ فما معنى السنا؟
يسقطُ الضوءُ على وهمينِ في جَفن المساءْ
يسقطُ الضوءُ على بعضِ شطايا من رجاءْ
سُمّيتْ نحن وأدعوها أنا: مللاً
نحن هنا مثلُ الضياءْ
اللقاء الناهثُ الباردُ كاليوم المطير
كان قتلاً لأناشيدي وقَبراً لشعوري
دقّتِ الساعةُ في الظلمة تسعاً ثم عشراً
وأنا من ألمي أُصغي وأُحصي
كنت حَيرى أسألُ الساعةَ ما جَدْوى حبوري
إن نكن نقضي الأماسي، انتَ أدْري،
مرّتِ الساعات كالماضي يُغشّيها الذبولُ
كالغدِ المجهولِ لا أدري أفجرُُ أم أصيلُ
مرّتِ الساعات والصمتُ كأجواءِ الشتاءِ
خلتُهُ يخنق أنفاسي ويطغى في دمائي
خلتُهُ ينبِسُ في نفسي يقولُ
أنتما تحت أعاصير المساءِ
أطغئ الشمعةَ فالرُّوحانِ في ليلِِ كثيفِِ
يسقطُ البورُ على وجهين في لون الخريف
أو لا يُبْصرُ؟ عينانا ذبولُُ وبرودُُ
أو لا تسمعُ؟ قلبانا انطفاءُُ وخمودُ
صمتنا أصداءُ إنذار مخيفِ
ساخرُُ من أننا سوفَ نعودُ
نحن من جاء بنا اليومَ؟ ومن أين بدأنا؟
لم يكن يَعرفُن الأمسُ رفيقين... فدعنا
يطفرُ الذكرى كأن لم تكُ يوما من صبانا
بعضُ حبِِّ نزفِِ طاف بنا ثم سلانا
آه لو نحنُ رجعنا حيثُ كنا
قبلَ أن نَفنَى وما زلنا كلانا
من ديوان شظايا ورماد
My uncle passed away
I am currently in Qatar and i work as translator from Arabic into English, and i love my job. In fact, it is very promising. Qatar is a very good country and the Qatari people are very nice. I have never been displeased because of any mistreatment. However, Qatar is one of the developing countries although it is an oil country, however, the life is not that complicated as in the West or in other parts of the developed world.
This is the first Arab country i reside in and i have been here for two years now. I arrived in Qatar on 12 April 2005 and i am still here enjoying my work. Gulf countries are very attracting countries because they witness everyday an economic boom thanks to oil resources.
By the way, cars here are very cheap comparative to other non-oil countries like Jordan. Qatar organized last year the 15ht Asian games and i participated in them as a volunteer.
I have a taken a lot of pictures here of the country and of myself in some places. living in Qatar is whatever very interesting nevertheless the country is small but there are many interesting things here, i have some friends who come to Qatar but they left after short stay ... and i do not know the reasons of that ... the most important thing is that the salary we find here is unlike anywhere.
Qatar is a very rich country and deserve to be honored ... i like it because it hosted me very generously.
This is a photo taken from the kuwaiti newspaper al-rai al-aam, it admired me and i decided to post it today. In fact, this picture does not encourage the stopping of smoking...
The clashes in Gaza and elswhere
It is really very disappointing to see the Palestinian factions fight each other, although their efforts should be directed to end the occupation of the Arab and palestinian lands occupied by Israel since 1967. However, if the main protagonist of the cause is dispersing the efforts so what do you think of others? What can Arab states do in light of the latest tragic developments in Gaza and the West Bank? the answer is nothing, but they will try to bring the Palestinians to the table of negotiation for the sake of reconciliation.
Saudi Arabia succeeded few months ago to bring the Palestinians together and they signed a reconciliation accord which then was called "Mecca Accord". I think that Syria can play greater role in any future agreement between the Palestinian factions, since Syria harbor HAMAS political leaders like Khalid Mash'al and others.
Syria should work for the interest of the Arab world and stop meddle in Lebanon's internal affairs. Syria should permit its citizen to freely express themselves and stop chasing the free voices that emerge from time to time. I think Syrian people have very great potentials if they are given the opportunity to that.
Palestinians should focus at ending the Israeli occupation and reconstructing their country. they should not suspend much hopes on Arabs since every Arab state has its own interests and view, the Arab world is not united enough to support itself, however, the world look at us as Arab as one people and it treats us on this basis but we do not want but be divided, i have been to France in 1998 and i noticed this fact.
I have studied a curricula at university about the Palestinian cause and then the government abolished this course at university because we (Jordan) signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994 which stipulated the change of curricula in Jordan.
I would not hide my pleasure over the signature of peace treaty with Israel and i urge my country to demand more and more from Israel to implement all the clauses of the treaty as i heard that Israel does not respect the treaty as it was agreed. in fact, peace is a necessity for the Middle East because we should not ignore Israel for long time or for ever but at the same time we should be strong enough to oppose any attempt to dictate on us their will. we could express our opposition in a democratic way and i do not think they will resort to violence.
The Israeli withdrawal from the Arab lands invaded in 1967 is a must for any peace in the region, and this is very clear. Palestinians should listen to the voice of reason and put their guns down before each other as nobody likes to see these tragic and sad scenes at TV.
I hope that we will one day get up the morning and hear nothing but peace news.
God bless you
something to say
Dear Readers,
I have said before that i wish to write more about some issues or anything, just to write. However, i am writing these words now offhand although i do not like to make people read something written in a hurry, but unfortunately, i do not have enough time to write.
Some days ago, i sat down at my appartment and started to write on the exploitation of workers in some companies in an Arab state, but this article is not ready yet because one more time i need it to be very clear and up-to-date. Any way, i was very pleased to read some extracts from the US 2007 report on the trafficking of persons since i think issues related to human rights are very important. However, i hope that this report will not be employed for political purposes especially in the case of Saudia Arabia where human rights are largely neglected under the pretext of applying the Shari'a [Islamic code].
In Saudia Arabia the so called Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has some incomprehensible behaviors like offending and humiliating people. In fact, i have ever never been to Saudia Arabia and i did not personally witnessed any of what i hear of extremist measures of patrol of that commission, but i am more than sure that the situation of human rights in Saudia Arabia is deplorable and needs international intervention by practising political pressure on the Saudi government to comply with international standards in dealing with the residents there.
The above mentioned report is in any way important and sheds light on a critical issue and the most important question here is: will US government as a superpower proceed to repair the damages occurred to the persons victims of trafficking by advising or even punishing the countries where the violations take place and when and how?
I reiterate my hopes that this report will be really used to help the victims and practise pressure on the condemned governments.
Excuse me again dear readers on the language but i tell you i will work hard to always clarify my message and let everyone particularly those who do not know yet about this blog hear very well my message and very loudly articulated.
khaldun Qaysi
Arab Pioneer Novelist
Arab Pioneer Novelist
From time to time one feels the need for writing especially when need arises. Today I have read about an Arab great novelist who is Abd-al-Rahman Munif, in fact, I already heard about this intellectual man from one of works’ colleagues in Qatar who loved to read Munif’s novels.
The interest calls me to google about the great Arab creative artist Munif, this was after I have read an Arabic news website where it is mentioned that Munif’s tomb was profaned by unknown people.
This has pushed me more to search the web about this figure and I found a lot of very good information about him, though he was critic to Arab oil countries, when he was deprived from his Saudi citizeship.
He traveled very much because he was rebel and did not accept but the truth and justice. This revolutionist is unique in our Arab world because rarely we find people like him. He traveled very much, he was official in Arab governments, I can say that he is a man of high profile very experienced and wise.
The most interesting thing about private life is that his father is Saudi, his mother is Iraqi, he was born in Jordan in 1933, studied in Iraq and died in Syria in 2004… etc.
He wrote a lot of novels like most predominant of his works and of the century the six-chapter novel called “cities of salt” where he described how the oil has deep rooted impacts on the Gulf States, and he criticized Arab tyrant regimes in that times.
khaldun Al-Qaysi
07 JUN 07
To continue on other subject maybe…
هوية الفرد فى المجتمع الإنسان
the identity of individuals in human society
هوية الفرد فى المجتمع الإنسان
For Arabic speakers only ...
Lebanon… the unstable
Lebanon… the unstable
Lebanon has become to the scene of politics these recent few years after several seriuos events starting from the killing of its Prime Minister Hariri passing by the Syrian withdrawal, and not ending by the current political deadlock the country experiences these days. The door is still wide open for more surprises, troubles and chaos in the Lebanese street, since the declaration of opposition about its strong intent to topple existing government led by Siniora and other predominant figures of the Lebanese politics.
Lebanon’s problems derived from its sectarian based society, which is divided into several sects. The loyalty and belongingness to the sect in Lebanon is strongly if not completely predominant. Sectarian based societies have along the history proved fatal and unproductive. If a very strong government does not take office regardless who governs and to what minority he belongs, the country will remain in chaos.
Lebanese Christians have claimed and they still repeat it that they are not Arabs but Phoenicians, and according to my experience and as I have colleagues at work sons of this Lebanese sect, I would emphasize the fact that they are well somethingelse but not Arab. They, for most of the time, like to aloofness and keep away from frequenting not only their counterparts but also their colleagues from other Arab nations. In fact, the Lebanese dialect has been distinguished all the way in and everybody hears it can notice its unique tone, another factor contributing further to supporting the conclusion about their false attribution to Arabs.
All the way in, we can conclude that Lebanon cannot survive its current crisis, unless Lebanese people revolt against the existence of sectarian mentality in their daily life. They should appreciate the dialog and mutual respect, which in its turn will undoubtedly lead to mutual understanding and reconciliation. Religious parties should keep away from politics and let people live normally without coercion or repression to believe their slogans and undeclared intentions, Separation of religion from politics is a very essential element if this country aspires to stability.
However, religion does not have that influence in decision-making process but the conflict with Israel fuels the sentiments of political Shiite parties and youth among them. The finding of solution to the aforementioned conflict could help very much in the region, however, this is not the case, the 15-years old war that has ravaged the country contradicts the saying that Israel is behind Lebanon’s instability. Hence, the people itself are becoming the source of chaos.
Finally, I wish all good and security for all the people of the world especially those in Middle East.
Please do not hesitate to post your comment if you have any
culture clash
do you believe in the cultures clash and what the reasons behind this phenomenon?
Is it question of interests conflicts between nations, strongest ones and weak nations?
Do you think that religion still plays key role in the nature of relations on the international level?
A lot of questions are submitted in this regard but none can give a very clear or satisfying answer since the international relations are not that easy to guess what behind this or that act.
Why people always pay the price of their leaders mistakes?
What is the criteria of a democracy and how it could be applied in certain countries.
Is this political topic easy to handle by anyone or we should leave such debates to the specialists who studied it and they have a lot knowledge to tell weather this act is wrong or true?
Why the management of a lot of people is that difficult and it needs a lot of preparation, i have once read in one of Arabic books that politics does not need preparation... is that right?
If you wish to answer the above interconnected questions, please do not hesitate to post your comment and particularly do not hesitate to write your own opinion.
Terrorism is an International Disease
Terrorism is not a problem of a specific culture or nations but it is a global phenomena that strikes everywhere in the world, as long as globalization grows in such rapid pace terrorism will deepen its roots in the shape of this new economic and cultural development.
Arabs work hard to convince some skeptical people about the sincere intention of uprooting bad thinking about the west and the American people but when religion comes across, things get complicated. but some Arab countries started to improve its educational curricula in order to keep track with the new changes taking place in the whole world.
The old-fashioned way of thinking should stop in order to make others feel secure about their way of life. US has launched the war against Iraq under the slogan that it wishes to spread democracy, liberty and freedom in the Middle East and make of this country an example to follow, but unfortunately, Americans have committed fatal mistake when they decided to invade this country without putting forward well considered plans about how they would manage this country.
Apparently, the opposing Iraqi parties and individuals at that time tempted to convince Bush administration about the easy job of conquering Iraq but they failed to guarantee the stability and security after the expect withdrawal.
At the end, i hope that Iraqi people will enjoy the security and prosperity very soon thanks to neighboring countries efforts and sincere collaboration in fighting terror, which, if not strongly confronted, will reach these countries and turn them up side down.
Jordan (my country)
Visit Jordan and see a lot of interesting archaeological sites from Petra to Aqaba and Jerash... do not forget to drop to the Dead Sea (the most profound land in Asia) .
visit the web site www.visitjordan.com
i wish everybody a very good trip to Jordan and the surrounding countries ...
if you would like to address me please you can post your comments.
Best wishes,
Khaldun al-Qaysi
ما دام الأعدام
صدام رحمه الله قد مات أواستشهد وهو الآن انتهى دوره شأنا أم أبينا ولكن تبقى ذكراه في قلوب محبيه والمعجبين به ... الذين قتلوا صدام يعرفون انه رجل كبير السن وانه لن يعود الى الحكم على الأطلاق . أنا على كل حال من معارضي عقوبة الأعدام بشدة الا في حالات خاصة جدا وضيقة والتي تكون فيها رادعة أكثر من كونها عقوبة.
الآن يجب على هؤلاء الذين اعدموا صدام أن يواجهوا الحياة وصعوباتها وتقلباتها وعدم الأستقرار في العراق والذي سيأتي عليهم بالويلات والدمار . فهل يأمن هؤلاء الناس على حياتهم . وهل الموت هو عقوبة عادلة ، هل افناء الروح هو عقوبة رادعة ؟ لا أظن.
الذين أعدموا صدام عليهم ان يواجهوا الواقع المرير الذي يعيشون فقد ارتاح صدام واجزم بأن موته ربما أراحه عن ان يرى العراق وما يجري فيه الآن أو أن يقضي بقية عمره تحت رحمة خصومه.
Mother's Day
The day we celebrate the mother's day, i remember a lot of my mother's deeds that keep me survive this life.
Mum has given me the motivation and the very clear vision how life needs patience, she has taught me how life is difficult but with perseverance and with love to life everything will be OK.
In this occasion i send very sincere greetings to the most cherished woman in the world. my mother God give you the stregnth and the health all your life.
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True Nature
Khaldun Abd-al-Nabi
- Khaldun Abd al Nabi Al Qaysi
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- KHALDUN A. P. O. Box 16 Karak, Rabba khalduna@gmail.com EDUCATION Jordan University, Amman, Jordan, June 1999 B. A. in French Literature, note: 2.72 out of 4
Range 2, Team 2, JIPTC
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