the identity of individuals in human society
هوية الفرد فى المجتمع الإنسان
For Arabic speakers only ...
هوية الفرد فى المجتمع الإنسان
Lebanon… the unstable
Lebanon… the unstable
Lebanon has become to the scene of politics these recent few years after several seriuos events starting from the killing of its Prime Minister Hariri passing by the Syrian withdrawal, and not ending by the current political deadlock the country experiences these days. The door is still wide open for more surprises, troubles and chaos in the Lebanese street, since the declaration of opposition about its strong intent to topple existing government led by Siniora and other predominant figures of the Lebanese politics.
Lebanon’s problems derived from its sectarian based society, which is divided into several sects. The loyalty and belongingness to the sect in Lebanon is strongly if not completely predominant. Sectarian based societies have along the history proved fatal and unproductive. If a very strong government does not take office regardless who governs and to what minority he belongs, the country will remain in chaos.
Lebanese Christians have claimed and they still repeat it that they are not Arabs but Phoenicians, and according to my experience and as I have colleagues at work sons of this Lebanese sect, I would emphasize the fact that they are well somethingelse but not Arab. They, for most of the time, like to aloofness and keep away from frequenting not only their counterparts but also their colleagues from other Arab nations. In fact, the Lebanese dialect has been distinguished all the way in and everybody hears it can notice its unique tone, another factor contributing further to supporting the conclusion about their false attribution to Arabs.
All the way in, we can conclude that Lebanon cannot survive its current crisis, unless Lebanese people revolt against the existence of sectarian mentality in their daily life. They should appreciate the dialog and mutual respect, which in its turn will undoubtedly lead to mutual understanding and reconciliation. Religious parties should keep away from politics and let people live normally without coercion or repression to believe their slogans and undeclared intentions, Separation of religion from politics is a very essential element if this country aspires to stability.
However, religion does not have that influence in decision-making process but the conflict with Israel fuels the sentiments of political Shiite parties and youth among them. The finding of solution to the aforementioned conflict could help very much in the region, however, this is not the case, the 15-years old war that has ravaged the country contradicts the saying that Israel is behind Lebanon’s instability. Hence, the people itself are becoming the source of chaos.
Finally, I wish all good and security for all the people of the world especially those in Middle East.
Please do not hesitate to post your comment if you have any
culture clash
do you believe in the cultures clash and what the reasons behind this phenomenon?
Is it question of interests conflicts between nations, strongest ones and weak nations?
Do you think that religion still plays key role in the nature of relations on the international level?
A lot of questions are submitted in this regard but none can give a very clear or satisfying answer since the international relations are not that easy to guess what behind this or that act.
Why people always pay the price of their leaders mistakes?
What is the criteria of a democracy and how it could be applied in certain countries.
Is this political topic easy to handle by anyone or we should leave such debates to the specialists who studied it and they have a lot knowledge to tell weather this act is wrong or true?
Why the management of a lot of people is that difficult and it needs a lot of preparation, i have once read in one of Arabic books that politics does not need preparation... is that right?
If you wish to answer the above interconnected questions, please do not hesitate to post your comment and particularly do not hesitate to write your own opinion.
Terrorism is an International Disease
Terrorism is not a problem of a specific culture or nations but it is a global phenomena that strikes everywhere in the world, as long as globalization grows in such rapid pace terrorism will deepen its roots in the shape of this new economic and cultural development.
Arabs work hard to convince some skeptical people about the sincere intention of uprooting bad thinking about the west and the American people but when religion comes across, things get complicated. but some Arab countries started to improve its educational curricula in order to keep track with the new changes taking place in the whole world.
The old-fashioned way of thinking should stop in order to make others feel secure about their way of life. US has launched the war against Iraq under the slogan that it wishes to spread democracy, liberty and freedom in the Middle East and make of this country an example to follow, but unfortunately, Americans have committed fatal mistake when they decided to invade this country without putting forward well considered plans about how they would manage this country.
Apparently, the opposing Iraqi parties and individuals at that time tempted to convince Bush administration about the easy job of conquering Iraq but they failed to guarantee the stability and security after the expect withdrawal.
At the end, i hope that Iraqi people will enjoy the security and prosperity very soon thanks to neighboring countries efforts and sincere collaboration in fighting terror, which, if not strongly confronted, will reach these countries and turn them up side down.
Jordan (my country)
Visit Jordan and see a lot of interesting archaeological sites from Petra to Aqaba and Jerash... do not forget to drop to the Dead Sea (the most profound land in Asia) .
visit the web site
i wish everybody a very good trip to Jordan and the surrounding countries ...
if you would like to address me please you can post your comments.
Best wishes,
Khaldun al-Qaysi
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True Nature
Khaldun Abd-al-Nabi
- Khaldun Abd al Nabi Al Qaysi
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- KHALDUN A. P. O. Box 16 Karak, Rabba EDUCATION Jordan University, Amman, Jordan, June 1999 B. A. in French Literature, note: 2.72 out of 4
Range 2, Team 2, JIPTC