I have remembered that at university i studied a poem of a Jordanian poet and novelist called Tayseer Sabul. I like this poem titles Shahrazad, and i know it is very strong ... For those who are interested in reading this intersting poem please click this link
Khaldun Al-Qaysi
Dalida and Serge Lama in Je Suis Malade
I liked to post a link to the songs of Dalida Je suis malade and Gigi l'amoroso that i admire ...
Here is the song in French:
Je ne rêve plus
Je ne fume plus
Je n'ai même plus d'histoire
Je suis seul sans toi
Je suis laid sans toi
Je suis comme un orphelin dans un dortoir
Je n'ai plus envie
De vivre ma vie
Ma vie cesse quand tu pars
Je n'ai plus de vie
Et même mon lit
Se transforme en quai de gare quand tu t'en vas
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir
Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
T'arrives on ne sait jamais quand
Tu repars on ne sait jamais où
Et ça va faire bientôt deux ans
Que tu t'en fous
Comme à un rocher
Comme à un péché
Je suis accroché à toi
Je suis fatigué
Je suis épuisé
De faire semblant d'être heureux quand ils sont là
Je bois toutes les nuits
Mais tous les whiskys
Pour moi ont le même goût
Et tous les bateaux
Portent ton drapeau
Je ne sais plus où aller, tu es partout
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Je verse mon sang dans ton corps
Et je suis comme un oiseau mort quand toi tu dors
Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Pourtant, moi j'avais du talent
Avant ta peau
Cet amour me tue
Si ça continue
Je crèverai seul avec moi
Près de ma radio
Comme un gosse idiot
Ecoutant ma propre voix qui chantera...
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir
Je suis malade
C'est ça, je suis malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le coeur complètement malade
Cerné de barricades
T'entends, je suis malade
Water is polluted in Jordan
In a village in Jordan, the press say that a number of citizens of a village northern Jordan (Mafraq governorate) have been infected because of polluted water. We are in 2007 and still the water gets polluted in Jordan?? The government should open serious investigation in this incident and take necessary steps against the officials who run the water network there. However, we suffer the shortage of water, imagine that we have plenty of water … we will not be able to manage it though!!.
Many questions now are raised in this regard:
-what is the role of ministries of health and water?
- Who will compensate the citizen?
- Will this happen again?
for more information for Arabic speakers please read here. I apologize for the English readers for lack of English sources that shed light on this issue.
A day of Impression
Yesterday, I took my car to the Agency hangar in order to have it checked, I bought it one month ago and I wanted to make sure that every thing is alright with the car.
One week ago, I went there and found a lot of people with their vehicles waiting their turn; it was a long queue of vehicles wait before the hanger. However, I was lucky yesterday as I did not find many people there because I went there early; the whole process took me no more than 10 minutes, and I went back home directly.
I entered the Agency’s maintenance workshop which was big and large, I saw many vehicles at check, and it was big work and wonderful human deed (work). Then I went to the reception office where I sat with the Filipino employee who was nice. I took a glance around in the reception hall, there was a TV screen showing publicity of the big Japanese car agency.
Here I was impressed by the technology and the human ability to create and manufacture. The production of a car is not easy job as some people think; yes it is so for the experienced specialists. I wondered what we should do in the Arab world, and how we may help the world and produce something useful to the remainder of the humanity. I know that we have the petrol (black gold) and we sell it to the rest of the world but at the same time we pay very high price in protecting it and ensuring its peaceful flow and transportation in the most proper ways.
The Arab world and the oil countries in particular pay the price the high price for possessing the oil, they became a target of the world influential powerful states especially the United States and Europe and a subject of conflicts, all this turmoil happens because they have the oil. However, we as Arabs benefited very much from the oil and our countries achieved prosperity and development thanks to this natural resource.
I do not know if I have shift from a subject to another in this article, but I mean what I say regarding my impression at what I see from technology made by other people in the world like Japanese. In fact, I am autodidact and proud to say that and I respect the creative peoples like Japanese people, who produce machines that ease the lives of others but at the same time. However, being autodidact does not mean denying the role of the teacher or parents.
We, in Arab world, are required more than ever before to exert more efforts to live up to the obligations of world of today, we have given a lot of things in terms of energy and thanks to Islam, which is a system of living and peace, we reached many parts of the world. My trip to the Agency in Doha city was one of many experiences that we go through everyday but they go unrecorded. We should think of everything [liberty of thinking] around us and try to find out who created it and for what purpose. We should recognize how far other nations improved and developed their potential. We should think seriously how we could be a productive nation.
A word: “Not every word should please the reader, but every word should give him a meaning” Khaldun
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True Nature
Khaldun Abd-al-Nabi
- Khaldun Abd al Nabi Al Qaysi
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- KHALDUN A. P. O. Box 16 Karak, Rabba khalduna@gmail.com EDUCATION Jordan University, Amman, Jordan, June 1999 B. A. in French Literature, note: 2.72 out of 4
Range 2, Team 2, JIPTC