I am very sad, sad and sad ... My father DIED ...
oh my father, i feel u in every word i write, i do not know why you left us and you did not told us that you are leaving ...
Everyone cry over his father annd i am one of them ...
your life is full and was full of everything good, you left many things behind you and first of all you left us ...
why you did not tell us that you are leaving for ever...
you will not come back ... but that is life my Dad, and you know it better than us ... i was looking at you every time and every time i feel your are strong and healthy ...
I do not know what to say ... it is a big ordeal ...
where are you now ... why things turned this way?
why i should say that ... i remember you came and visited me when i returned home somtime ago. You were very happy.
now you leave this life and i am still feeling that this miserable ... I say that i am very unlucky, i wish you very good rest ... and i believe that you are strong like me
goodbye father ... goodbye father ... we are coming to you one day ...
Oh i feel very great pain in my eyes and everywhere ...
Dad Passed Away
Enough Is Enough
A new cabinet has been formed in Jordan, the government went to Aqaba to hold its first meeting, the names of the ministers are leaked to the Jordanian media and they seem brilliant. However, their background is also a mystery.
The people are starving because of the unprecedented economic retreat, prices increase and the horrific economic deep recession of the country. The Jordanian media hurries to report the news, as if Jordanians wait it impatiently. The most important thing for the Jordanians is the daily concerns of economic aspects.
If any government wants to gain the trust of the people, it should start by reforming itself; first and foremost, it should follow a real austerity policy. However, the government should come from the core of the people and for them; the new government is a big failure to the policies of the previous government, which tried hard to bring the country’s economy back on the rails. Any government should work for the sake of the people’s needs; it should provide answers to their questions concerning the economy and the plans to bring more investments to Jordan.
Apparently, this government is oligarchic because some figures had at least a member of their family served a high ranking position in the previous governments, they are already wealthy and will profit from their new positions to further enhance their own interests and they will adjust country laws in their favor.
Jordan needs a very active and dynamic government, which gives top priority to the economic concern starting by curbing the widespread corruption in the country. The ministers should prove to the people that they should be trusted; actually, the people did not appoint the government. Therefore, the confidence, which the coming parliament will give to it, is absolute and certain.
The media should play a constructive role by overseeing the governmental performance and pointing out the violations of the policies including the silence of the parliament, which supposed to carry out supervision and legislation, in a democratic and courageous way. The public opinion waits for the media to be serious and accurate in reporting the news, and at the same time, it should be critical to the acts of both executive and legislative powers.
Arabic should play its role alongside other languages
English is the world language, then come other languages especially French and Spanish.
I remember a saying of an Italian writer who said once that what is the value of the life of a man if he does not build a home, write a book or have a son.
i wonder why people write if their articles, essays do not have impact (positive) on the society where they live. some writers do their work only for the sake of earning money at the end of the month and not to shed light on the problems of the their societies and try to find a solution to them.
the title may differ from the content of this article but i need more time to gather my ideas and not make others feel that i would defend my language for racist reasons.
I would like Arabic to be like any other language, very energetic and give humanity a lot of things, and i believe that everyone of us can contribute with a new thing in this world.
so the way is still long and far and we need to prepare ourselves very well before continuing this road ...
do words please anybody.... I do not care .... it is important to say what i have then i would think of what others may think ... this is the basic of everything we do in life and things should go this way.
back again
Dear Readers,
I am back again and i am full of enthusiasm to write on this blog after a short break.
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True Nature
Khaldun Abd-al-Nabi
- Khaldun Abd al Nabi Al Qaysi
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- KHALDUN A. P. O. Box 16 Karak, Rabba khalduna@gmail.com EDUCATION Jordan University, Amman, Jordan, June 1999 B. A. in French Literature, note: 2.72 out of 4
Range 2, Team 2, JIPTC