إلى اللقاء يا أبتي العزيز ، جزاك الله عنا كل خير ، وانت الذي بقيت طوال حيانك عصي على التحديات وصعوبات الحياة والموت أيضا، ولكن الموت حق علينا جميعا ، لقد زاد فراقك لوعاتنا وأقول لك:
شمل الهدى والملك عم شتاته .... والدهر ساء وأقلعت حسناته
كان الله في عوننا من بعدك...
أرجو أن لا يتم النظر الى كلامي على أني مبالغ فيه ، وأرجو أن لا يعتقد القارىء الكريم بأني جد متشائم ، على الإطلاق ولكن من حقي أن أحزن كما من حقي أن أفرح ، وأدعو المسلمين وغيرهم في هذه المناسة الى أن يشاركوا بعضهم البعض أفراحهم وأحزانهم (أدعو الله أن لا يحزن أحد) يجب أن تتجلى الوحدة بين المسلمين أنفسهم ومع أبناء أوطانهم من الديانات الأخرى ومع الشعوب الأخرى على مبدأ الدين والإنسانية الرفيع
تحياتي لكم جميعا
Writing and Ethics
Writing is a very interesting job especially if it is accompanied with clear and strong ideas that enlighten the reader and further enhance his thinking.
I wonder or the most part why some writers do their job chiefly for purpose of money and fame. I think writing should be objective and should deal with the social and world problems about which few people know, it should also raise the readers’ awareness and provide solutions to the issue which is being discussed.
I am very depressed when I hold a newspaper in Arabic and find that articles lack clear ideas and the development of ideas is poor.
Criticism is good if it ends by calling for change in the way the community thinks and for enhancing the citizens’ ability to think of fantastic solutions. Lately and as usual, i read Arabic press online, especially Jordanian press and I discovered a lot of mistakes as to the style by which the writer wishes to convey his or her message to the public of readers, the most dangerous obstacle facing writers is that they adopt their own views about a given situation and neither pays heeds to the opposing opinion, and nor does he develop it within his or her article.
In some countries, the press has the major role in bringing about change in various walks of life including politics and social affairs, and it has got more and more influence on the street. However, in Jordan the situation is not always rosy, the lack of qualified civil institutions and strong opposition led to a most likely political inactivity in the country, for example a debate may rage regarding state high positions but a debate concerning national and important projects will not take place, and if it comes to happen, it will be dealt with secretly away from the people in order for the aristocrats benefit the most from such projects.
This is the problem of writing in the Arab World and especially in Jordan as I am Jordanian; I have close observation of what is going on there, although I am currently expatriate in Doha, Qatar.
To be continue …
WASTA or Preferential Treatment
I try to write in English not to show off or make the people talk about me writing in English, yet it is very great effort that I make to consolidate my ideas and make them clearer to the reader of English.
My message is to be clear enough for everybody or every reader could understand it eventually, including the average person, I mean the man of the street.
I would like to talk today about what is called in Arabic and Jordanian culture in particular Wasta, or nepotism in English, but I would use the term preferential treatment which as to do with any transaction of the government, as government interests every citizen
to be continue...
حرب على الأسعار
I started to write down my memories wiht my late father, after his death caused me much pain.
I hope to be able to release them in Arabic edition first, and then translate them into English and French as soon as i get enough time.
One thing that i can not resist or cure is death... and loss of our dear people.
Arabs and the World
When I was little child, I did not know what human dignity means at that time, but today I strongly believe that human dignity is fundamental, and none can do anything without it. Nobody accepts that we treat him unfairly. No people in the world like to be inferior and without will. Everybody thinks of his dignity before all as it is inalienable part of every person’s personality. However, difficult life conditions may force some people to rank their dignity as a second in importance; these conditions are mainly have to do with the economic life. Example to that is Arab people who lost every faith in itself and its vocation in life and this is due to many reasons among which the fierce competition of the world countries to produce and impose themselves as strong countries. However, the Arab world did not pay attention to this fierce competition and became interested in irrelevant issues connected to spiritual world phase.
The Arabic (not Muslim) mind is still full of mistaken thoughts (fallacies) which do not fit or useful to the contemporary life, including the value of human being, mankind freedom and choice, human vocation in life. Other important issue is the basic understanding of life on which I can expand very much and write a pile of books, also, the interrelations among Arab people themselves is not in its good condition: this includes cooperation, mutual admiration, and interests, respect for others, and their human dignity.
Relations among Arab states are not that much good and this is due to the nature of the Arab personality which, fairly speaking, is keen to make progress in the way to unity and democracy, but the political personality of Arab people is very much deformed (regimes and interests). However, Arab states regimes are often accused of abusing authority and rejecting the unity between Arab states to keep their regimes and privileges.
The best answer to the Arab world difficulties is the better understanding of the life, away from the faith in the spiritual life which is supposed to be personal and concentrating on the daily life issues and paying much more attention to the importance of participating in the international competition which became inevitable in a world where single dispersed states do not weigh. So will Arabs learn the lesson before it is too late?
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True Nature
Khaldun Abd-al-Nabi
- Khaldun Abd al Nabi Al Qaysi
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- KHALDUN A. P. O. Box 16 Karak, Rabba khalduna@gmail.com EDUCATION Jordan University, Amman, Jordan, June 1999 B. A. in French Literature, note: 2.72 out of 4
Range 2, Team 2, JIPTC